The Purpose of SCAMDIE.COM
International trade relies on trust, yet cross-border small sellers often fall victim to dishonest buyers, suffering financial losses. SCAMDIE.COM aims to create an open and transparent platform for sellers to share real trade experiences, expose fraudulent buyers, and build a shared buyer blacklist, helping each other mitigate risks and foster a trustworthy trade environment.
- 用户驱动的内容 所有内容均由用户自主发布,我们相信,用户的真实经验是最具价值的信息来源。
- 永久免费共享 平台承诺永久免费开放,为用户提供共享黑名单和信息交流的服务,让全球贸易参与者无障碍获取和分享重要信息。
- 中立与客观 SCAMDIE.COM不对任何发布内容进行判断或评价,亦不提供结论。平台的使命是提供信息共享的工具,用户需独立判断和决策。
Principles of SCAMDIE.COM
- User-Generated Content All content is posted by users. We value authentic experiences as the most reliable source of information.
- Free for Everyone SCAMDIE.COM is committed to being a free platform, ensuring seamless access to blacklist data and trade-related insights.
- Neutral and Non-Judgmental The platform does not judge or draw conclusions about any content. Users are empowered to make their own informed decisions.
- 遵守法律法规 用户在发布内容时,必须严格遵守当地及国际法律法规,确保信息合法合规。
- 专注国际贸易 平台内容限于国际贸易领域,确保讨论主题集中于采购、交易和相关业务。
- 拒绝消极言论 禁止传播对立、暴力、仇恨以及其他消极内容,SCAMDIE.COM致力于打造一个正能量、透明且健康的交流环境。
- Follow Legal Guidelines All posts must comply with local and international laws.
- Focus on International Trade Content must be relevant to international trade topics.
- No Negative Content Hate speech, violence, and divisive content are prohibited. SCAMDIE.COM promotes positivity, transparency, and constructive engagement.
SCAMDIE.COM 为被举报者提供申诉机制
- 被举报者可以通过页面中的回复入口在线辩驳,并上传相关图片或文件作为证据。
- 我们鼓励双方提供详细信息,在线透明沟通,倡导文明交流,让社区用户了解事件的完整真相。
- 每个页面设置投票机制,反映公众对该事件的态度,为处理结果提供参考。
- 若申诉成功,我们将及时更新或删除相关内容,竭力帮助您恢复名誉。
- 同时,我们鼓励被举报者主动联系发帖人,达成一致后,发帖人可自行删除全部信息。
SCAMDIE.COM Provides an Appeal Mechanism for the Reported
- The accused can use the reply section on the page to present their case and upload relevant images or documents as evidence.
- We encourage both parties to provide detailed information for transparent online communication, promoting civil discourse to help the community fully understand the situation.
- Each page includes a voting mechanism to reflect public opinion on the case, serving as a reference for resolution.
- If the appeal is successful, we will promptly update or delete the content to help restore your reputation.
- Additionally, we encourage the accused to proactively reach out to the poster. Upon mutual agreement, the poster can voluntarily delete all information.
感谢,如遇BUG 或您有建议,请本帖回复,会不定时优化更新。
2024 Nov